New API reference
We've released a new version of our application, which generates OpenAPI documentation straight out of our code. This means API reference shows all the parameters, supported by API server and exactly matches our code
Rate limit issue fixed
We found that our rate limits did not work correctly for few months and allowed more requests than documented. The issue is fixed now and we now return error 429 if our client exceedes allowed request rate
New validation enforcements
Our API web server used the same technology since 2015 and now it is the time to upgrade it. We've switched to a much faster and newer framework. Also, we added JSON schema validators to our endpoints
QR code endpoint now has a restriction of size < 100
Right now size parameter is a size of a single QR code point, so size=300 leads to generation of QR codes 13200x13200px. We'll provide a parameter for total image size soon
Please update your * endpoints to * alternatives
Previously, we had a domain name, few years ago we migrated to domain name. While we plan to support * endpoints idefinitely, we recommend changing hostnames to subdomains of
tzOffset parameter deprecation for statistics endpoint
Previously, we supported timezones by providing tzOffset parameter (offset in minutes). This parameter is deprecated now. Please provide tz parameter with timezone name.
Link endpoints with old numeric identifiers require domain id parameter
We are working on improvements of our speed and fault-tolerance. In order to achieve that we need to make few changes in API. You can safely ignore this message if you use our new link identifiers only (they look like lnk_abc_abc123).
[Breaking change] Deprecation of id property in the link create endpoint
Breaking change
We are deprecating and removing the "id" parameter in the link creation endpoint. API Clients need to use the "idString" parameter instead. We have already removed the id parameter for new users and those who did not use API before. Starting from Sep 1st, we will remove this parameter for everyone. Using numeric id will work in all existing endpoints for an indefinite time.
Top column endpoint supports filtering
You now can add filters to top browsers, versions, countries, and cities.
Bulk clicks endpoint now supports time interval arguments
Bulk clicks endpoint now supports time interval arguments, you can get clicks for any date period (previously it was only total)